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New Products Polycarbonate Enclosure Accessories

The following accessories are designed to enhance and customize your polycarbonate enclosures. We’re now adding a weight distribution shelf, side panels, and pole mount kit. Each accessory provides durable and practical solutions for your unique needs. Check out the...

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1300 Watt Heater

We're adding two new part numbers to our thermal management line. SCE-HF13001C and SCE-HF13001C are 1300 Watt Heaters with Thermostats. These heaters are designed to protect electrical controls, instruments and sensitive components from low temperatures and the...

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New Products Polycarbonate Enclosures

Introducing our newest polycarbonate products at SCE! Each product is made with impact resistant polycarbonate and is designed for indoor or outdoor use to house electrical and electronic controls, instruments and components in areas that may be regularly exposed to...

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This new dehumidifier removes moisture from internal enclosure air and standing liquids. Collected moisture drains outside of the enclosure by a drain provision with plastic hose. The side air vents circulate air away from controls. These dehumidifiers are versatile...

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NextGen Enclosure Builder

Introducing our latest enclosure building tool! It helps you discover the perfect enclosure by narrowing down your options based on your preferences. Select a starting point, and it will guide you through the process, leading you to the ideal NextGen enclosure. Begin...

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NextGen Enclosures

Introducing the newest product line from Saginaw Control and Engineering- NextGen Free-Standing Enclosures. This line was created with our customers, and their wallets, in mind. With the rising costs of freight for enclosures 90" and above, the NextGen Free-Standing...

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16th Edition Digital Catalog Now Available

The 16th edition of the digital catalog is now available to download. The new catalog is here! New design, new products, and new updates! Contact your local sales rep to request a physical catalog, a USB catalog or request a download link using the button below....

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Large Enclosure Update

Due to the changing requirements from the freight carriers, large enclosures shipping on skids greater than 144” will now be shipping in multiple pieces. These new "multiple pieces" will replace previously purchased part numbers. The previous enclosure SCE-84XM5EW24...

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EL Enclosure Highlight

The Enviroline series of enclosures are among SCE's best-selling products. Wall-mounted, single-door, and boasting the Enviroline name, this highlighted enclosure houses electrical and electronic components, controls, and instruments. On top of all of this, this...

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IMS & Swing handle Update

SCE Industrial Modular System Enclosures are in for a new look! Due to many customer requests for a lower-profile swing handle the IMS line will come standard with these new low profile swing handles. These handles offer the same features as the current L-handles...

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Upcoming Events

Upper Midwest Electrical EXPO April 19th & 20th in Minneapolis, MNDone! ✔️ Upper Midwest Electrical EXPO CSIA Executive Conference May 15-19th in New Orleans, LA CSIA Executive Conference Automate 2023 May 22-25 in Detroit, MI Automate...

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Saginaw, MI Manufacturing and Corporate Office

95 Midland Road Saginaw, MI 48638-5770
Phone: 989/799-6871 | Fax: 989/799-4524

Saginaw, MI West Manufacturing

11122 Sunshine Dr, Saginaw, MI 48609-9632
Phone: 989/799-6871 | Fax: 989/799-4524

Aurora, OH Distribution Center

40 Aurora Industrial Parkway Aurora, OH 44202-8086
Phone: 330/995-9800 | Fax: 330/995-9802

Kenosha, WI Distribution Center

5110 70th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144-1784
Phone: 262/657-4700 | Fax: 262/657-4774

Lenoir City, TN Distribution Center

220 Sam Rayburn Parkway Lenoir City, TN 37771-3352
Phone: 865/717-4861 | Fax: 865/717-4924

Reno, NV Distribution Center

795 Denmark Drive Sparks, NV 89437
Phone: 775/343-1834 | Fax: 775/343-1838

Tulsa, OK Distribution Center

2725 North David Patrick Avenue E Tulsa, OK 74116
Phone: 918/949-9766 | Fax: 918/437-3477